A first of its kind biography about this humble and rare personality from Khurasan; a jurist, a warrior, a scholar, a muhaddith, a poet, a righteous worshipper, and the leader of the pious. In this unique book, various aspects of Abdullah ibn Mubarak’s life are explored from what history has recorded, including lessons to be taken from his very actions, all pooled and translated from classical and authentic Arabic sources.
May Allah bless the remarkable legend about whom ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ayaash said,
“There is none like ‘Abdullãh ibn al-Mubãrak on the face of this earth, nor do I know of a single good characteristic created by Allãh, except that He has put it in ‘Abdullãh ibn al-Mubãrak.”
A unique Islamic short novel for teenagers and young adults.
An amusing and exciting ‘must read’ exploring the lives of 3 fictional friends and their every day problems. Read about them as they discover themselves and develop into stronger and wiser Muslim girls.
Suitable for ages 11-18.